Songs as we know express the entirety of the human state whether it be of joy,ecstasy, excitement, sadness,peace, love, hate etc. They're so powerful that the words in them can either lift up our hearts or instill a negative feeling. It is true if we say that all men are impacted and form the basis of a great part of their lives from the music they're exposed to. This tool through which songs make such great impact is the tool of songwriting. Someone once said "take the political stage and give me the mic and I'll rule your country". This goes further to buttress the importance of songs to affect culture greatly. Its been known as a narrative that gospel songs only end in church and cannot have their impact and influence beyond that terrain. However this is not true . Also the idea that gospel songs should have low standard structure,lyrics and monotony of style is also a wrong narrative. Our God is the most excellent and has given us that ability to groom our...