To form differently the social behavior of a people with good sounds organized in time (definition of the whole concept)
Wow, Well, how can you be or create a change in a particular place without changing yourself first?? It's not possible
First things first... Ask yourself... Am I a certified musician?? Is music a gift or a talent?
Whatever the case is... How good are you in it?
By book(Mcreynolds) or heart(r.kelly) knowledge
Either way... How far have you gone with any of the knowledge you have? Where have you started? Who knows you in you little sphere and how far have you influenced them with your music??
Why should one even listen to your music? What's your message? Entertainment or the gospel?
Whats the content like? Your can't reshape without a shape!!!
There must be something on ground first... That is preparation... Which is practice as a musician and then Prayers and study as a Christian
You're not amoeba... Shapeless rubbish
This is where the off-keys and flats come to play.
Build yourself, Rehearse, Pray
If you leave me I'll just settle on Prayer
But no... Just also know it's important
I pray more than I rehearse... Don't be like me, it's a choice. Choose your own, Find your way, Find your sound, Find your Rhythm
Reshaping focuses more on bringing something new to the table
Unfortunately... It is to a people
People here implies that hehe... They must've had some visitors too before you came
So there are somethings they're used to already
and they've been told that you're coming with something new
Don't also forget that what looks like new from your previous crowd might be old to the new crowd
Let your new be legit
A spirit sponsored one
Be yourself
You're a game changer
Always know this
Don't flow with the norm
Your norm should be flowed with...
The Bible says... "Let your light so shine... " it never said follow other lights. Shine your own
Originality is key
It stands you out
And yes...
Study behaviors...
You can't go to North and Sing Jazz
Or east and sing juju music
You'll have to be extraordinarily good to change the game over there
What have you been called into?
Lemme give you a definition of prayer..
PRAYER is the practice of God's Presence.
See that I used Practice
There's something that you need to get used to first... So that when you step out... Things will just flow without stress
Practice makes Permanent
Culture can't be reshaped easily
Master your craft
Find your sound
Stay on your lane
Diversifying is good but be careful
Versatility is good but always let them where you MAJOR
Dress well
Smell fine
Know the Scriptures
let them know where you major
Try new things
Is Don jazzy bigger than Cohbams Asuquo??
They're both big
They have their platforms
Don cannot attend the concert cohbams attends as an artist
Cohbams was signed to SONY as a songwriter for The company and Michael Jackson... And he wrote for one of Jackson's album... I'm sure you didn't know this
Don jazzy.... Did a beat for Jay-Z, Beyonce and Kanye, they recorded...
Song didn't fly
Spot the difference:
Sound, Lane, Placement
Choose to stand on your lane, your crowd that you're supposed to reshape and help will locate you
Don't compare
There are sets of people waiting for your project that'll reshape their life
Slow down
And yes I'm sure Michael Jackson had no relationship with Don jazzy but...
Cohbams knows Jay-Z
Spot the difference
Don jazzy won an award once and he dedicated it to Cohbams asuquo
Still spot the difference
My point is... None is better than any
They just found their place, and stood
Don't compare
Wizkid is good
Tiwa is good
But you see, somehow good is even not enough
What can you do with your Goodness
You have what it takes to reshape your world
It's inside of you
Go and give birth
Go and Pray Capacity is in your spirit
Like I earlier said...
Choose to stand and stand.
The best way to start is to START
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