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Worship; The Act and The Life by Mr. Wealth

I believe i am talking to music ministers

I will first start by debunking some myths associated with worship

1. Worshippers are those who lead in worship: This myth is celebrated today mostly by singers, this is because we don't understand there is a large gap between worship and music.

You can sing about who or what you don't worship.

You didn't start worshipping when you started singing neither did you stop worshipping when you stoped singing (Mr.wealth, quote author)

 That you sing about a thing does not mean you worship that thing..

There are many singers who sing about Heart break who have never had the experience of Heart break in a relationship..

 Having debunked that popular might

I wish to futher by saying..

You are not a worshipper because you sing, you are a worshipper because you have the spirit of God dwelling in you

 Jesus told the woman at the well in John 4 from verse 23..

How that the time will come The  True worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and in Truth..

What Jesus directly implied here was that, at that time and in time past there were no true worshippers.
Note: there were worshippers, but no true worshippers. This is basically because the Holy spirit was not given yet.

He is the software that ignites worship in man not music

 Worship is the sum total of the activities of man and angels in heaven and on Earth.

However the concept of worship has failed to be properly understood for what it is over time.

The essence of tonight's teaching will not be to make exegesis on the manifold essence of worship as intended by God.

We have a thread which we must follow and that is streamlining worship to the minstrel and his worship tool which is MUSIC.

we must understand that we can worship without singing, worship is a life expressed by varied form. But the minstrels are those who have been blessed and gifted with the tool of Music for the expression of worship.

Worship is an End, music is a means. Music is a means to an end, worship is an end in itself (Mr.wealth Quote Author)

 Music should not be your worship, your life should be your worship, music should be a tool that helps you express that life.

 The life of the minstrel is the one thing that validates his act of worship.

This is because the ultimate form of worship is a life that lives and honours God.

However let's understand that there must be a balance between the life and the act.. If we must make progress with our tool of worship which is Music

The balance is that

Before God it is your life that validates your worship

But before men it is the act that validates the life.

Let me stretch this point.

Scriptures said by their fruits ye shall know them.

The fruit is the manifest nature of the Christian life, the results gotten by it. It is a tangible and  material form of our spirituality..

This is what bearing of fruits entails. It is showing forth the results of a christian life, the reason for the fruit is not so you could attain more righteousness before God, it is to help men identify the sons of God from the sons of men.

So the fruit validates the claims of Christianity before men, and it is where your faith is anchored upon that validates your fruits before God. This thought is necessary iin helping us create a critical balance in our understanding
So here is how it works..

The minister first ministers to God and this in turn enables him minister to men his ministering to men is the act of worship.

I am streamlining this as it concerns the minister, his relationship with God and his service to the people via music. Music ministers must understand that

God is very passionate to SERVICE US, than we are to do him service.

If we understand this we will know how much the life we live Gives God joy...

And the life of worship is a life of fellowship... Fellowshipping with God is the ultimate..

When the life is intact, the act of worship will be sincere and full of power.

 We must quit doing ministry through the eyes of the people and start doing it through the eyes of God, for God an acceptable form of worship is offering your body as a living sacrifice (ROM 12:1-3)

This supersedes every other thing we do

I will end with this quote.

Let worship be your life style, not your style of music.


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